Saturday, April 23, 2011

I Raced in a Triathlon.....

My good friend Cindy and I raced in our first Triathlon. It was really hard, especially the running. My legs felt like bricks. I was so excited when we finished. Now I just have to start getting ready for the next one. It was so nice to have my girls race with me.
Jaimie, Nayt and Mallorie were a team. Mallorie ran, Nayt biked and Jaimie swam.

Zoe, Sam and Cindy's daughter Ashlynn were also a team. Ashlyn ran, Sam biked and Zoe Swam.

Chris and Cache cheered us from the sidelines.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Break

Disneyland Laguna Beach San Diego Temple
San Diego Zoo Safari Park

We took Zoe and Sam to Southern California for spring break and had a great time. It felt strange to only have two kids with us. However, it was nice to only have to get one hotel room and a small rental car. We are looking forward to having all the kids with us next year for a family vacation.