Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mission Call

While at the Hospital with Mallorie while she was in labor Taylor received his Mission call. Chris was able to conference everyone in while he opened it. He is going to the Buenos Aires, Argentina West mission. He leaves on December 16th. I don't think the day could have been better. Our son received his mission call and our daughter had a baby!!!!

We're Finally Grandparents!

Cache Taylor Nielsen was born on August 21st. He weighed 7 lbs 12 ounces and was 21.5 inches long at 1:03 in the morning. Jaimie and I were able to be in the delivery room and it was a wonderful experience. Mallorie did a great job and now we have a beautiful baby grandson. Chris flew in the next day so he could see the baby before his trip to China. Zoe and Samantha are here too and Taylor will get to visit his namesake next month.

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